Ma Lin
Ma Yüan
Mabuse Jan
Macchi Aurelio
Macchietti, Girolamo
MacDonald James Edward Hervey
MacDougald George Duncan
Machard Jules Louis
Macke August
Mackennal Bertram
MacMonnies Frederick William
MacNicol Bessie
Madrazo Raimundo
Maennchen Albert
Maes, Nicolaes
Maeztu Gustavo de
Maffei Francesco
Magnasco Alessandro
Magnus Eduard
Magritte Rene
Maillol Aristide
Mainardi, Sebastiano
Maineri Gian Francesco
Makart Hans
Makovsky Konstantin
Makovsky, Vladimir Yegorovich
Malczewski Jacek
Maleas Konstantinos
Maler, Hans
Malevich Kazimir

Malhoa Jose
Malouel, Jean
Malss, Johann Gerhard
Man Ray

Mancini Antonio
Mandl Peter

Manet Edouard
Manetti, Rutilio di Lorenzo

Manfredi Bartolomeo
Manger, Michael
Manglard, Adrien
Mangold Robert
Manguin Henri
Manizer Matvey
Mannfeld, Bernhard
Manship Paul
Mansueti, Giovanni di Niccolò

Mantegna Andrea
Manthe Albert
Manuel Niklaus
Manzù Giacomo
Maratta Carlo

Marc Franz
Marden Brice

Marees Hans von
Marega Charles
Margaritis Filippos
Margarito or Margaritone d'Arezzo
Marieschi Michele
Marin John
Marini Marino
Marinus van Reymerswaele
Maris, Jacob Henricus
Maris Matthijs
Maris Willem
Markov Alexey Tarasovich
Marmion, Simon
Marohn, Ferdinand
Maron, Anton von
Marquard, Johan Petter
Marqueste Laurent
Marquet Albert
Marr Carl von
Marriott Frederick
Marti Marcel
Martin Eugene James

Martin John
Martinelli, Giovanni

Martini Simone
Martzan, Melchior
Maruyama Okyo
Maruyama Oshin
Marx, Alexander Richard
Marzi Ezio

Mascagni, Donato
Masolino da Panicale
Masriadi I Nyoman
Massot Firmin
Massys, Cornelis
Massys, Quentin
Master 4 +
Master A
Master A F
Master of Godthaab
Master of Halberstadt
Master of Lund in 1800
Master of Pirna from 1652
Master of Tahull
Master B G
Master Bertram of Minden
Master BP
Masters C B
Masters C L
Master CS
Master of Ada Group
Master of the Aldobrandini Wedding
Master of the Battle of Issus
Master of Aphentico church in Mistra
Master of the Augustinian Crucifixion
Master of the tape rolls
Master of Barbe de Preux
Master of the Bhagavata Purana Manuscript
Master of the Bible of Patrice Léon
Master of Brunswick- Magdeburg school
Master of Carmina Burana
Master of the Chronicle of Council of Constance
Master of the Cité des Dames '
Master of the Darmstadt Passion
Master of Demetrius Church in Thessaloniki
Master of the Fleur des Histoires
Master of the Franco- Saxon group
Master of the Fulda School (I)
Master of the Fulda School (II )
Master of the Fulda School (III )
Master of the Five Dynasties period
Master of the Golden Panel
Master of Hamza Nâma manuscript
Master of Harding Bible
Master of the Holy Magdalena
Master of the Holy Kinship
Master of Saint Veronica
Masters of Court School of Charlemagne
Master of the icon of the Trinity
Master of the icon of the Archangel Michael
Master of Jahangir 's memoirs
Master of Kahriye-Cami-Church in Istanbul
Master of the Kamakura period , 12th century
Master of the Kamakura period of the first half of the 14th century
Master of the Kamakura period of the late 14th century
Master of the Kamakura period in 1280
Master of the Kamakura Period in 1329
Master of the Little Passion
Master of concordance tables of Eusebius of Ceasarea
Master of the Legend of St. Cecilia
Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy
Master of Love Gardens
Master of Manesse Codex
Master of Ménologe of Basil II
Master of the Mughal school of the first quarter of the 17th century
Master of the Mughal School circa 1600
Master of the Mughal School 1618
Master of the Muromachi period
Master of Nea Moni in Chios Church
Master of New Court School of Charlemagne
Master of the Nuremberg Passion
Master of the nymph of the river Lo
Master of the Palatine Chapel in Palermo
Master of Pantanassa church in Mistra
Master of paraphrases of the Pentateuch
Master of Peribleptos church in Mistra
Master of the Pietà Villeneuf-les-Avignon
Master of the Pietà of Avignon
Master of the Pollinger Panels
Master of the sermons of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus
Master of the sermons of the monk John Kokkinobaphos
Master of the collection of sermons of St. John Chrysostom
Master of the Reichenau School
Master of the journey of the Emperor Ming-huang to Shu
Master of the role of Joshua
Master of the Rose of Lausanne
Master of the Salzburg school in 1230
Master of the writings of John VI . Cantacuzemos
Master of the school of Arras
Master of the school of Canterbury
Master of School of Fontainebleau
Master of the School of Isfahan
Master of the school of Novgorod
Master of the school of York
Master of Shâh Jahan Nâma memoirs
Master of the Somerset House Conference
Master of the St. Sophia Cathedral of Ohrid
Master of the Playing Cards
Master of St Lambrecht Votive
Master of the Sung Dynasty
Master of the Tiburtine Sibyl
Master of the legend of St. Ursula (Cologne)
Master of the Glorification of Mary
Masters of assemblies of al -Hariri
Master of the Virgo inter virgins
Master of the Weibermacht
Master of the Female Half-Lengths
Master of the World Chronicle by Rudolf von Ems
Master of the World Chronicle
Master of Wenceslas Workshop
Master of the Vienna Genesis
Master of the Worcester Carrying of the Cross
Master of the Miracles of Mariazell
Master of the Aachen Altarpiece
Master of the al - Mubashshir manuscript
Master of Albrechtsaltars
Master of the Angrer Portraits
Master of the Antwerp family portraits
Master of Ashburneham Pentateuch
Master of the Bambino Vispo
Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece
Master of the Holy Benedictionale Aethelwold
Master of the Berswordt altar
Master of Balaam
Master of the Blessed Clare
Master of the blue paper
Master of the Book of Durrow
Master of the Book of Kells
Master of the Lindisfarne Gospels
Master of the Book of Antidotes (I)
Master of the Book of Antidotes (II )
Master Of The Book of Songs
Master of the Bruges Passion Scenes
Master of the Casole Fresco
Master of the Castello Nativity
Master of Chaurapañchâsikâ manuscript
Master of the Codex 167
Master of the Codex Amiatus
Master of the Codex Aureus Epternacensis
Master of the Cotton Psalter
Master of the Diwan-i-Hafiz manuscript
Master of the Drogo Sacramentary
Master of the Gospels of Otto III .
Master of the Gospels of Echternach
Master of the Gospels of Rossano
Master of the Gospels of Wernigerode
Master of the Gospels book of St. Augustine
Master of the gospel of Grimbald
Master of Frankfurt Garden of Paradise
Master of Fröndenberger altar
Master of the Prayer Book of Otto III .
Master of the Gero - Codex
Master of the Gita Govinda - manuscript
Master of the Gradual of St. Katharinental
Master of Halepagen Altarpiece
Master of House Book
Master of Saint Giles
Master of the Codex Hildegardis
Master of the Hitda Gospels
Master of St. Wolfgang
Master of the Imhoff Altar
Master of Jog Vashisht manuscript
Master of Jouvenel des Ursins
Master of Calvary
Master of the little diptych of Bargello
Master of Krainburger altar
Master of Krönungssakramentars
Master of the Crucifix of Montefalco
Master of the textbook Emperor Maximilian I.
Master of the Livre de la Chasse
Master of Lothar Gospels
Master of the Ludwig-Psalter
Master of Madhu - Malati manuscript
Master of Mahâjanaka Jataka
Master of the manna miracle
Master of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Master of the Life of the Virgin
Master of Werden
Master of the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna
Master of the mosaic of the great church holidays
Master of Nujum - al-' Ulum manuscript
Master of the Ortenberg Altarpiece
Master of Pähler altar
Master of the Parement of Narbonne
Master of the Parament of Narbonne ( Circle)
Master of Perikopenbuches Henry II
Master of Perikopenbuches of St. Erentrud
Master of portraits of the Govardhan Chand
Master of portraits of Jean le Bon
Master of portraits of Paquius Proculus
Master of the Rabula Gospel
Master of the Ramayana manuscript
Master of Rasikapriya manuscript
Master of Razm - Nâma manuscript
Master of Registrum Gregorii
Master of the Regular Canons' Altarpiece
Master of the Reliquary Cross of Cosenza
Master of the Roman de la Rose
Master of Sacramentarium Gelasianum
Master of The Gellone Sacramentary
Master of the Sacramentary of St. Gereon
Master of the Schöppingen Altarpiece
Master of the St. Vitus Altarpiece
Master of Death of the Virgin
Master of the Horse tribute
Master of the Tucher Altarpiece
Master of Ulmer Hochaltars
Master of the University altar
Master of the Uta Codex
Master of Utrecht Virgin life
Masters of the Vergilius Romanus
Master of the Vergilius Vaticanus
Master of the Schotten Altar Vienna
Master of the Wilton diptych
Master of the Trebon Altar
Master E. S.
Master F S
Master F S W
Master Francke
Master ' G' of the Turin-Milan Prayer Book
Master GL
Master H
Master ' H' of the Turin-Milan Prayer Book
Master H M
Master H R
Master H S
Master H. W.
Master Hesse
Master HG
Master HHE
Master HM
Master HS
Master Hugo
Master HWG
Master I. D. C.
Master I N
Master I R
Master I W
Master L M
Master M S
Master of the Dice
Master MR
Master MS
Master MTR
Master N S
Master Hsuan Chang after
Master after Cosmas Indicopleustes
Master NH
Master Pedro
Master SG
Master Theodoric of Prague
Master Theodoric of Prague ( Circle)
Master V T
Master of 1446
Master of 1477
Master of Alcira
Master of Budapest
Master of Castelseprio
Master of Cefalù
Master of Daphni
Master of Delft
Master of Dordrecht
Master of Gracanica (I)
Master of Gracanica (II )
Master of the Holy Cross
Master of Hohenfurth
Master of Königsfelden
Master of Liesborn
Master of Meßkirch
Master of Mileseva
Master of Mondsee
Master of Moulins
Master of Müstair
Master of Negrentino
Master of Nerezi
Master of Orcau
Master of Raigern
Master of Riglos
Master of Romont
Master of Saint Francis
Master of Saint Giles
Master of Saint- Savin-sur-Gartempe
Master of San Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna
Master of San Vitale in Ravenna
Master of Castle Lichtenstein
Master of Sopocani
Master of St. Severin
Master of Torcello
Master W D
Master W H
Master WS
Matejko Jan
Mathews Arthur Frank
Matisse Henri
Matsumura Goshun
Matsumura Keibun
Matta Roberto
Matteo di Giovanni
Matthesius, Sebastian
Mattheus, Georg
Matthieu, Georg David
Mattis, C.
Mattos Henri Teixeira de
Matsys Jan
Matsys Quentin
Maucher Christoph
Maulbertsch Franz Anton
Maurer Alfred Henry
Maurin Charles
Mauve Anton
Maxence Edgar
Max Gabriel von
Maximov Vassily
Mazo, Juan Bautista Martínez del
Mayer, Alexander
Mayer, Anton
Mayer, Carl
Mayer, Johann
Mayer, Lucas
Mayer, Sebald
Mayr, Hans
Mayr, Wolfgang Christoph
Mazza, Damiano
Mazzolino, Ludovico
McEvoy Ambrose
McKenzie Robert Tait
McRae Dora
McTaggart William
Medrano Miguel Osle Saenz de
Meissonier Jean-Louis Ernest
Melendez Luis Egidio
Mellan Claude
Melzi Francesco

Memling Hans
Menard Emile-Rene
Mengin Charles
Mengs Anton Raphael
Menzel Adolph
Merritt Anna Lea
Merwart Paul
Merz Mario
Mesdag, Hendrik Willem

Metcalf Willard
Meteyard Sidney
Mettel, Nikolaus

Metsu Gabriël
Metzger, Christoph

Metzner Franz
Meulen, Adam Frans van der
Meulener Pieter
Meunier Constantin
Meuron, Maximilien de
Meyer, Conrad
Meyerheim, Friedrich Eduard
Meyerheim, Paul Friedrich
Meynier, Charles
Meys Marcel Paul

Michelangelo , Michael Angelo Buonarroti , Charles Holroyd
Michelena Arturo
Miel Jan
Mignard Pierre
Mikhailov Grigori Karpovich

Millais John Everett
Milles Carl
Millet Aime

Millet Jean-Francois
Millocheau Joseph-Emile
Minne George
Miró Joan
Mitchell Charles William
Mitchell Joan
Mitoraj Igor
Miyabe Hans Peter Taro
Miyagawa Choshun
Miyahara Yoshinao
Mocetto, Girolamo
Modersohn-Becker, Paula

Modigliani Amedeo
Moeller Edmund
Moillon, Louise
Mokhtar Mahmoud
Momen Karl
Momper Joos de
Monaco Lorenzo
Monard Louis de
Monchablon Xavier Alphonse

Monet Claude
Monsiau Nicolas-Andre

Mønsted , Peder Mørk
Montagna, Bartolomeo
Montallier, Pierre
Montfoort Anthonie van
Montford Paul Raphael
Monticelli, Adolphe Joseph Thomas

Moore Albert Joseph
Moore Henry
Moosbrugger, Joseph
Mor, Anthonis
Morado José Chávez
Morales, Luis de
Morandi Giorgio
Moran Thomas
Morazzone, Pier Francesco
Morbelli Angelo
Morcom Joseph Herbert

Moreau Gustave
Moreau, Jean Michel
Moreau, Louis Gabriel
Moreelse Johannes
Moreelse Paulus
Moret, Henri
Moretto da Brescia
Morgenstern, Carl
Morgenstern, Friedrich Ernst
Morgenstern, Johann Friedrich
Morgner, Wilhelm
Mori Junko
Mori Shuho
Mori Sosen
Mori Tetsuzan
Morisot, Berthe
Morland George

Morone Domenico
Morone, Francesco

Moroni, Giovanni Battista
Moronobu Hishikawa

Morot Aime Nicolas
Mosca Simone
Moscow wood cutter of the first Half of the 18th century
Moscow wood cutter of the first Half of the 18th century
Moscow wood cutter in the middle of the 18th century
Moscow wood cutter of 1 Third of the 18th century
Moscow wood cutter around 1750
Moscow wood cutter around 1760
Moscow wood cutter around 1796
Moscow wood cutter from the early 18th century
Moscow engraver 1856
Moscow engraver around 1857
Moscow Lithograph around 1855
Moscow Lithograph around 1856
Moscow Lithograph around 1857
Moscow Lithograph around 1858
Moscow lithographer about 1859
Moser, Hans
Moser, Koloman
Moser, Lucas
Moser, Michael
Moses Grandma
Moss Marlow
Motley Archibald
Motta, Raffaello
Mottez Victor
Moucheron, Isaac de
Mount, William Sidney
Mowbray Henry Siddons
Mucha Alphonse
Mukhina Vera
Müller, Jacob
Müller, Karl
Müller, Leopold Ludwig
Müller, Theodor
Müllner Josef
Mulready William
Multscher, Hans
Munch Edvard
Munnings Alfred
Münter Gabriele
Mura Francesco de
Murer, Christoph
Murillo Bartolome Esteban
Murray Charles Fairfax
Muziano Girolamo
Myasoyedov Grigoriy
Mytens Johannes
Mytinger Caroline