Baargeld Johannes Theodor
Babb Stanley Nicholson
Baburen Dirck van
Bacchi Cesare
Bacchiacca ( Francesco Ubertini)
Baccio del Bianco
Bach Johann Sebastian The Younger
Bach Karl Daniel Friedrich
Bachta, Johann
Backer Jacob Adriaensz
Backhuysen, Ludolf
Backoffen Hans
Bacon Francis
Bacon John
Bacon Lucy
Badalocchio, Sisto
Bader, Johann
Badile, Antonio
Baeck Elias
Baeder John
Baegert, Derick
Baegert, Jan
Baerer Henry
Baertsoen Albert
Bager Johann Daniel
Bahat Saadia
Bähr Johann Karl
Baierl Theodor
Baij Ram Kinker
Bailly Alice
Bailly David
Baily Edward Hodges
Baines Thomas
Bakalowicz Wladyslaw
Baker Robert P.
Bakhuizen Ludolf
Bakst Leon
Balaca y Orejas-Canseco, Ricardo
Balassi, Mario
Baldaccini Cesar
Baldacci Vincenzo
Baldovinetti Alesso
Balducci, Giovanni
Baldung Hans
Balen Hendrick van
Balet Jan
Bałka Mirosław
Balkenhol Stephan
Ball, Adam Gustavus
Ball Percival
Ball Thomas
Balla Giacomo
Ballenberger Karl
Ballesio Francesco
Ballo Ede
Baluschek Hans
Bamberger Fritz
Banco, Nanni d'Antonio di
Bandau Joachim
Bandel Ernst von
Bandinelli, Baccio
Bandinelli Bartolommeo
Barak William
Barbari Jacopo De
Barbault, Jean
Barbeau Marcel
Barber, Thomas
Bard, James
Bardou Emanuel
Bardua Caroline
Barendsz., Dirck
Barker Wright
Barlach Ernst
Barnaba da Modena
Barnard George Grey
Barocci Federico
Barraud François
Barraud, William
Barrias Louis-Ernest
Barocci, Federico
Barry, James
Bartels Hans von
Barth, Wilhelm
Barthel, Friedrich
Bartholome Paul-Albert
Bartlett Paul Wayland
Bartolini Lorenzo
Bartolo di Fredi
Bartolomeo Fra
Bartolomeo Veneto
Bärwald Robert
Barye Antoine-Louis
Basaldella Mirko
Baschet Andre Marcel
Baselitz Georg
Bashkirtseff Marie
Basin Petr Vasilevich
Baskin Leonard
Basquiat Jean-Michel
Bassaeus, Nicolaus
Bassano Francesco the Younger
Bassano Jacopo
Bassano, Leandro
Bastien-Lepage Jules
Batoni Pompeo
Baucke Heinrich (Karl)
Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aime
Bauer, August
Bauer Michael
Bauer Rudolf
Baugin, Lubin
Baumann, Georg
Baumann, Hans
Baumbach Max
Baumeister Willi
Baumeister-Rehm Karin
Baumgartel Tilo
Baumgartner Johann Wolfgang
Bause, Johann Friedrich
Baxter Frank
Baxter Iain
Bayer August von
Bayes Gilbert
Bazille Frederic
Bazzani Luigi
Bazzaro Ernesto
Bazzicaluva, Ercole
Beach Chester
Beale Mary
Beasley Bruce
Beatrizet, Nicolas
Beauduin Jean
Beauley William Jean
Beaumont Hanneke
Beauneveu André
Bebo Károly
Beccafumi Domenico di Pace
Becerra Gaspar
Beck András
Beck Lawrence James
Beck, Leonhard
Beckenkamp Benedikt
Becker August
Becker Ferdinand
Becker Jakob
Becker Karl
Becker Ludwig Hugo
Becker Philipp Jakob
Beckmann Max
Becquet Just
Bednarski Krzysztof
Beer Josef Konstantin
Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraaten Gallery
Beerstraaten Jan Abrahamsz
Beert Osias
Beese Clifford J.
Begas Carl Joseph
Begas Reinhold
Beham Barthel
Beham Hans Sebald
Behn Fritz
Behre Wilfried
Behkalam Akbar
Behm, Christian
Behrendsen, Friedrich Wilhelm
Beich Franz Joachim
Beichling, Karl Heinrich
Beinhold, Wilhelm
Beker Gisela
Bell Robert
Bella, Stefano della
Bellange, Jacques
Bellanger Camille Felix
Belle Augustin-Louis
Bellechose, Henri
Belleroche Albert de
Belling Rudolf
Bellini Gentile
Bellini Giovanni
Bellis, Antonio De
Bellmer Hans
Bellotto Bernardo
Bellows George
Belly Léon Auguste Adolphe
Belskie Abram
Belsky Franta
Bemer Andrzej
Bemmel Peter von
Benbridge, Henry
Bence, Jacques Martin Silvestre
Benczur Gyula
Benda Břetislav
Bendemann Eduard
Bendl Ignaz
Bendl Johann-Georg
Benedicht, Lorentz
Beneker Gerrit Albertus
Benezet Bernard
Benglis Lynda
Bengston Billy Al
Benitsch, Georg
Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph
Benkert Johann Peter
Benkhard Agost
Benner Emmanuel
Benoist Marie-Guillemine
Benson, Ambrosius
Benoît Jean
Benton Fletcher
Benvenuto di Giovanni
Benzoni Giovanni Maria
Beran Bruno
Berard Marius Honore
Beraud, Jean
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz
Berck, Wilhelm
Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriaensz
Berckheyde, Job
Berczy William
Berend-Corinth Charlotte
Berens-Totenohl Josefa
Berentz Christian
Berg, Adam
Berge Edward
Bergen Claus
Bergen, Dirck van
Bergen I., Gimel
Bergen II., Gimel
Berger, Daniel
Berger, Thiebold
Berges Heinrich
Berggötz, W.
Berghauer Bohumil
Berghe Charles Auguste van den
Berghe, Christoffel van den
Bergier Arnold Henry
Bergmannn Georg
Bergmüller, Johann Baptist
Bergmüller Johann Georg
Bergognone, Ambrogio
Bergognone, Bernardino
Berjon, Antoine
Berks Robert
Berlin Eugenia
Berling, Carl Gustav
Berlinghieri, Berlinghiero
Bermejo, Bartolomé
Bernadelli Henrique
Bernard Emile
Bernard, Pierre
Bernardino da Asola
Bernatz Johann Martin
Bernasconi Ugo
Bernatzik Wilhelm
Berner Nelkenmeister
Bernero Giovanni Battista
Bernini Gian Lorenzo
Beroud Louis
Berruguete, Pedro
Berthault Lucien-Claude-Alexandre
Berthelemy Jean-Simon
Bertius, Pierre
Bertoia, Jacopo Zanguidi
Bertsch, Kaspar
Beschey Jacob Andries
Besnard Paul-Albert
Beszédes László
Beuys Joseph
Bezner Max
Bhabha Huma
Bidlo Mike
Bieniek Sebastian
Bierstadt Albert
Bigatti Alfredo
Bijlert Jan van
Bílek František
Bilinska-Bohdanowicz Anna
Binder Joseph
Bingham George Caleb
Binoit Peter
Bisbee John
Biset Charles Emmanuel
Bisky Norbert
Bison, Giuseppe Bernardino
Bisquert Antonio
Bisschop Cornelis
Bisschop, Jan de
Bisschop, Suze
Bissell George Edwin
Bissolo. Francesco
Bistolfi Leonardo
Bitter Karl
Bitterlich Eduard
Bitterlich Hans
Bizet Andree
Björk, J. A.
Blaas Eugene de
Blaas Julius von
Blaas Karl von
Blake Mortimer
Blake Peter
Blake William
Blanchard Jacques
Blanchard Jules
Blank Martin
Blasingame Marguerite Louis
Blauensteiner Leopold
Blechen Carl
Bleeker Bernhard
Bleibtreu Georg
Bloch Albert
Bloch Carl Heinrich
Block Josef
Bloemaert Abraham
Bloemaert Hendrick
Blomberg Hugo von
Blomberg Sigrid
Blondat Max
Blondel Merry-Joseph
Blonskaya Seraphima
Błotnicki Tadeusz
Blotta Erminio
Blum Clarence
Blum Robert Frederick
Blunden Anna Elizabeth
Boccioni Umberto
Bochmann the younger Gregor von
Bock Hans
Bock Richard
Böcklin Arnold
Bockhorst Johann
Bodmer Gottlieb
Boehm Edward Marshall
Boese Pedro
Boettinger Hugo
Boever Jan Frans De
Bofill Antonio
Bogolyubov Alexey
Bogomazov Alexander
Böhm Corbinian
Boisserée Melchior
Boizot Louis-Simon
Bol Ferdinand
Bol Hans
Boldini, Giovanni
Boll, Mattheus
Bollinger, Ferdinand
Bollongier Hans
Bologna Giovanni da
Bolotowsky Ilya
Boltanski Christian
Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio
Bomberg David
Bömches Friedrich von
Bonasone, Giulio di Antonio
Bonato Victor
Bonfigli, Benedetto
Bonheur Rosa
Bonhöfer, Friedrich
Bonifazio de' Pitati
Bonington Richard Parkes
Bonito, Giuseppe
Bonnard Pierre
Bonnat Leon
Bonneau Etienne
Bonsignori, Francesco
Bontecou Lee
Bonvin, François
Bopp Sebald
Boppenhausen, Jacob Wilhelm
Gerard ter Borch Gallery
Borch Gerard ter
Bordone Paris
Bores Francisco
Borgianni Orazio
Borglum Gutzon
Borglum Solon
Borisov-Musatov Victor Elpidiforovich
Borisov Veniamin
Börjeson John
Bornemann Hans
Bornemann Hinrik
Borofsky Jonathan
Boros Eddie
Borovikovsky Vladimir
Bosboom Johannes
Bosch Hieronymus
Boschi, Fabrizio
Boscoli, Andrea
Boser Friedrich
Bosio Francois Joseph
Boss, Wilhelm
Bossert Otto Richard
Botero Fernando
Both Jan Dirksz
Bottala Giovanni Maria
Botticelli Sandro, Botticelli, Henry Bryan Binns
Bouchard Henri
Bouchard Paul-Louis
Bouchardon Edmé
Boucher Alfred
Boucher Francois
Boucher Jean Marie
Boucherville Adrien de
Bouchor Maurice
Boudewyns, Frans
Boudin Eugene
![The Nativity.](WilliamAdolpheBouguereau/Th/ThBouguereau001.jpg)
![The Nativity.](WilliamAdolpheBouguereau/Th/ThBouguereau064.jpg)
Bouguereau William-Adolphe
Boulanger Gustave
Boullogne Bon
Boulet Cyprien Eugene
Bourdelle Antoine
Bourdet, Carl Josef Alois
Bourdon, Sébastien
Bourgeois Louise
Bouterwek Friedrich August
Boutry Edgar
Bouts Dirk
Bouvard Antoine
Boyd Arthur
Boyd Guy
Boye Abel-Dominique
Boyle John Joseph
Bra Théophile
Bracci Pietro
Bradford, William
Bramwell Edward G.
Brâncuşi Constantin
Brand Christian Hilfgott
Brand Friedrich August
Brand Johann Christian
Brandeis Antonietta
Brandes Georg Heinrich
Brangwyn Frank
Braque Georges
Braun Kaspar
Brauner Victor
Bray Jan de
Brebiette, Pierre
Breda, Carl Fredric von
Bredow Rudolf
Bredt Ferdinand Max
Breenbergh, Bartholomeus
Breitner George Hendrik
Brell Julio Peris
Brenner Victor David
Brescianino Andrea del
Brest Germain Fabius
Bretschneider the Younger, Daniel
Breyer Tadeusz
Brianchon Maurice
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Bridgman Frederick Arthur
Brinckmann, Philipp Hieronymus
Briullov Karl
Brizio, Francesco
Brock Thomas
Brocquy Louis le
Broderick Laurence
Brodowski Antoni
Brodsky Isaak
Broeck, Crispin van den
Broederlam, Melchior
Brokoff Ferdinand
Brokoff Jan
Brokoff Michael
Bronner Oscar
Bronzino Agnolo di
Broodthaers Marcel
Brooks James
Brooks Richard Edwin
Brooks Romaine
Brosamer, Hans
Brosamer, Martin
Broutelles Maurice Reymond de
Brouwer, Adriaen
Brown Ford Madox
Brown John Alfred Arnesby
Brown , John Lewis
Browne Henriette
Brownscombe Jennie Augusta
Brücke, Johann Wilhelm
Brückner, Friedrich August
Bruegel the Elder Pieter
Brueghel the Elder Jan
Brueghel the Younger Jan
Brueghel the Younger Pieter
Bruhn, S.
Brunery Francesco
Brun Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le
Bruno, Martin
Brussel, Paulus Theodorus van
Brütt Adolf
Bruyn the elder, Bartholomäus
Brymner William
Bucci Anselmo
Buchfürer, Michel
Buchser, Frank
Buck, Adam
Buffalmacco, Buonamico
Buhl, Jakob Ludwig
Buigas Arquer
Bukovac Vlaho
Bunbury, Henry William St. Pierre
Bunce Kate Elizabeth
Bunny Rupert
Buonconsiglio, Giovanni
Buontalenti, Bernardo
Burachek Mykola
Burgeois, Constant Florent Fidèle
Burger, Anton
Burgkmair the elder, Hans
Burka Jan
Buren Daniel
Buri Max
Bürkel, Johann Heinrich
Burliuk David
Bürmann, J. M.
Burmester Ernst
Burne-Jones Edward ,
Burra Edward
Burri Alberto
Buryak Borys
Busati, Andrea
Busch, Wilhelm
Büsinck, Ludolph
Busshi Tori
Bussiere Gaston
Buti, Lodovicio
Butinone, Bernardino
Butler, Charles Ernest
Butler, Theodore Earl
Butler Reg
Buxton Alfred
Buys, Jacobus
Buytewech, Willem Pietersz.
Byzantine painter of the 10th century
Byzantine painter of the 7th century
Byzantine painter around 1020
Byzantine painter around 1100
Byzantine painter around 920
Byzantine Mosaizist of the 12th century
Byzantine Mosaizist of 13th century
Byzantine Mosaizist of 5th century
Byzantine Mosaizist of 9th century
Byzantine Mosaizist around 1000
Byzantine Mosaizist around 1020
Byzantine Mosaizist around 1118
Byzantine Mosaizist around 1122
Byzantine Mosaizist around 705