Augusta Stylianou Gallery
Artist Index
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Corot, by Sidney Allnutt
Fragonard, by Haldane Macfall
Greuze, by Alys Eyre Macklin
Puvis de Chavannes by François Crastre
Chardin, by Paul G. Konody
Delacroix, Paul G. Konody
Millais by Alfred Lys Baldry
Paul Gauguin, His Life and Art, John Gould Fletcher
The French Impressionists (1860-1900), Camille Mauclair
Ingres and his critics, Andrew Carrington Shelton
Ingres then, and now, Adrian Rifkin
Jacques-Louis David: Empire to Exile, Philippe Bordes
Jacques-Louis David, Revolutionary Artist: Art, Politics, and the French Revolution, Warren Roberts
Emulation: David, Drouais, and Girodet in the art of revolutionary France, Thomas E. Crow
Eugène Delacroix, 1798-1863: the prince of romanticism, Gilles Néret
Poussin's paintings: a study in art-historical methodology, David Carrier, Nicolas Poussin
Nicolas Poussin: Dialectics of Painting, Oskar Bätschmann
Image of the people: Gustave Courbet and the 1848 revolution, T. J. Clark, Timothy J. Clark
Courbet's realism, Michael Fried
Matisse on art, Jack D. Flam
Cézanne's early imagery, Mary Tompkins Lewis
Fantasy and faith: the art of Gustave Doré, Eric Zafran, Robert Rosenblum, Lisa Small
The Doré Bible illustrations
Dore's Illustrations of the Crusades
Doré's Spain: all 236 illustrations from Spain
Edgar Degas: Waiting, Richard Thomson
Degas Drawings of Dancers
Degas in New Orleans: Encounters in the Creole World of Kate Chopin and George Washington Cable, Christopher Benfey
Manet's modernism, or, The face of painting in the 1860s, Michael Fried
The joy of life: the idyllic in French art, circa 1900, Margaret Werth
Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp, Pierre Cabanne
Drawing on art: Duchamp and company, Dalia Judovitz
Unpacking Duchamp: art in transit, Dalia Judovitz
The Duchamp effect, Martha Buskirk, Mignon Nixon
Marcel Duchamp: artist of the century, Rudolf E. Kuenzli, Francis M. Naumann
Pictorial Nominalism: On Marcel Duchamp's Passage from Painting to the Readymade, Thierry De Duve
Marcel Duchamp in perspective, Joseph Masheck
Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst: the bride shared, David Hopkins
The private worlds of Marcel Duchamp: desire, liberation, and the self in modern culture, Jerrold E. Seigel
Marcel Duchamp, appearance stripped bare, Octavio Paz
Infinite Regress: Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941, David Joselit
Duchamp: love and death, even, Juan Antonio Ramírez
Contemporary French Art: Eleven studies, Michael Bishop
Auguste Rodin: sculptures and drawings, Gilles Néret
Rodin on art and artists: conversations with Paul Gsell, Paul Gsell
French master drawings from the collection of Muriel Butkin , Carter E. Foster, Sylvain Bellenger, Patrick Shaw Cable, Cleveland Museum of Art, Dahesh Museum
The impact of art on French literature: from de Scudéry to Proust, Helen Osterman Borowitz
From Rodin to Giacometti: sculpture and literature in France, 1880-1950, Keith Aspley, Elizabeth Cowling, Peter Sharratt
Art nouveau: the French aesthetic, Victor Arwas
Art in the service of colonialism: French art education in Morocco, 1912-1956, Hamid Irbouh
Paul Cézanne, by Gustave Coquiot
See also
Art Books
Art Reports
Paintings, Drawings