Sculptures, Reliefs

Young man with snakes
Viggo Jarl (1879-1965), Danish Sculptor
Gethsemane (plaster, udst. 1900, bronze, Løndal Park);
The broken wings (1904 Aarsmed., State. Mus. For the Arts);
By Abyss (group, marble, udst. Paris 1906);
Young man with snakes (1908, Stat. Mus. for the Arts);
CF Tietgen (1908 Kgs Garden, Odense);
Statue pathétique (udst. Paris 1910);
Thomas Kingo (1910 Frederiksk., Copenhagen),
Niels Finsen (1912 Rigshosp.) Narcissus (1913);
Peder Palladius (1919 , Frederiksk., Copenhagen);
Marathon Runner (group, limestone, 1920, Århus Stadium);
Fronton at the Hall Løndal (cement, 1921);
The last Olympiad (1928);
Canute the Holy (1929 Frederiksk., Copenhagen);
His Tausen (1929, Idem.)
Jesper Broch Mann (1933, Idem.)
Prayer (artificial stone, 1950, Fort Royal,
Ile de Sainte Marguerite, Cannes);
Helmsman (1956 Arresødal camp).
L'Abyssinian (1912, Mus. Luxembourg, Paris)
Monica Wichfeld, b. Beresford, London (1918 Storstrøms Kunstmus.)
St. Sebastian (1920);
Draft David (1923),
Sunbather (1930);
Skaters, Stockholm (1945);
Helmsman (1950).
Portrait Buster:
C.F. Tietgen (plaster, 1905, marble, Copenhagen City Hall);
Baron H. v. Marshall (1911);
Thorvald Erichsen (marble, 1913);
Jorgen Wichfeld, London (1917);
Count Sigfried Raben-Levetzau, London (1918) ;
Lieutenant Nigel Gray (1918);
Lieutenant Dodgson, Paris (1920);
Christian Houmark (artificial stone, 1947);
John Hohlenberg (artificial stone, 1950);
Birgit Kemp (art rock, 1951);
Marianne Kemp (art rock, 1956);
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