Augusta Stylianou Gallery
Artist Index
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbey Edwin Austin
Abdy Rowena Meeks
Abe Satoru
Abercrombie Gertrude
Abrams, Herbert
Acconci Vito
Ackrill Anthony
Adams Alice
Adams Herbert
Adams J. Ottis
Adams Lisa
Adams Pat
Adams Peter Seitz
Adams Wayman Elbridge
Adomeit George
Agate Alfred Thomas
Agate Frederick Styles
Aitken Robert Ingersoll
Akagawa Kinji
Akaji Bumpei
Akers Benjamin Paul
Albright Adam Emory
Alexander, John White
Allston, Washington
Alten, Mathias
Amateis Edmond
Ambellan Harold
American Painter around 1850
American Painter around 1674
American Painter around 1720
American Painter around 1730
Andersen Hendrik Christian
Anderson, Abraham Archibald
Anderson Walter Inglis
Andre Carl
Andrews Benny
Angarola Anthony
Angus Patrick
Anshutz, Thomas Pollock
Apesos Anthony
Applebroog Ida
Appleby Anne
Armstrong Duane
Arnoldi Charles
Asah Spencer
Ashbaugh Dennis
Assael Steven
Attoe Dan
Auchiah James
Audubon John James
Hezekiah Augur
Ault George
Avedisian Edward
Beckwith, James Carroll
Bellows, George Wesley
Benbridge, Henry
Birch , Thomas
Bisbee John
Bischoff, Franz
Bissell George Edwin
Blake Mortimer
Blank Martin
Blasingame Marguerite Louis
Bloch Albert
Boehm Edward Marshall
Bolotowsky Ilya
Bontecou Lee
Borglum Solon
Borofsky Jonathan
Boros Eddie
Boyle John Joseph
Bradford, William
Bradley, William H. (William Henry Bradley)
Brenner Victor David
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Bridgman, Frederick Arthur
Bridwell, Harry Loud
Brooks James
Brooks Richard Edwin
Brooks Romaine
Brownscombe Jennie Augusta
Burroughs, Bryson
Butler, Theodore Earl
Carqueville, William L.
Carr, Samuel S.
Cassatt, Mary
Catlin, George
Chambers, Thomas
Copley, John Singleton
Cornoyer, Paul
Couse, Eanger Irving
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Dallin, Cyrus Edwin
Dasburg, Andrew
Davies, Arthur Bowen
Desch, Frank H.
Doolittle, Amos
Dudley, Frank V.
Durand, Asher Brown
Durrie, George Henry
Duveneck, Frank
Eakins, Thomas
Earl, Ralph
Eastman, Seth
Eichholtz, Jacob
Ericson, David
Ernst, Jimmy
Farrer, Henry
Feininger, Lyonel
Feke, Robert
Fussell, Charles Lewis
Gallagher , Sears
Gifford, Sanford Robinson
Glackens, William James
Goldthwaite, Anne
Grant , Clement Rollins
Gross Chaim
Grossman Bathsheba
Grossman Robert
Gummer Don
Guy, Seymour Joseph
Hamilton, James
Harding, Chester
Harnett, William Michael
Haseltine, William Stanley
Hassam, Frederick Childe
Hawthorne, Charles Webster
Hayes, George A.
Heade, Martin Johnson
Henri, Robert
Herter, Albert
Herzog , Hermann Ottomar
Hicks, Edward
Hill, Thomas
Hitchcock, George
Homer, Winslow
Hudson, Eric
Inness, George
Irvine , Wilson
Jarvis , John Wesley
Johnson, Eastman
Johnson, Frank Tenney
Kendall, William
King, Charles Bird
Knight, Daniel Ridgway
Knight , Louis Aston
Korbel Mario
Kroll, Leon
LaFarge, John
Lawson, Ernest
Leigh, William Robinson
Luks George Benjamin
Marin, John
Maurer, Alfred Henry
Menzler-Payton , Bertha
Mignot, Louis Remy
Miller, Alfred Jacob
Mills, Alfred
Moran, Edward
Moran, Thomas
Morse, Samuel Finley Breeze
Mount, William Sidney
Mowbray, Henry Siddons
Mulhaupt , Frederick J.
Neagle, John
Nichols, Edward Willard
Onderdonk, Julian
O'Neill, Rose Cecil
Parker, Lawton
Parrish, Maxfield
Partridge, Nehemiah
Paxton, William McGregor
Peale, Charles Willson
Peale, James
Peale, Rembrandt
Peale, Rubens
Pell, Ella Ferris
Peto, John Frederick
Potthast, Edward Henry
Prendergast, Maurice Brazil
Prendergast , Charles
Pyle, Howard
Raleigh, Charles Sidney
Ranney, William Tylee
Read, James B.
Redmond, Granville
Reid, Robert Lewis
Remington, Frederic
Richards, William Trost
Robinson, Theodore
Roesen, Severin
Rose, Guy
Russell, Charles Marion
Safer John
Saint-Gaudens Augustus
Salmon, Robert
Sampson Mary An
Sanborn Jim
Sato Mamoru
Satow Heath
Savage Augusta
Savage. Edward
Savage Eugene Francis
Saxe Adrian
Scaravaglione Concetta
Schamberg Morton Livingston
Shannon, James Jebusa
Shapiro Nat Mayer
Scharf Kenny
Schattenstein Nicolaus
Scheier Edwin
Shinn, Everett
Schlegell David Von
Schomberg A. Thomas
Schön Nancy
Sloan , John
Smith, Jessie Willcox
Smith, Thomas
Smith , Walter Granville
Steele, Theodore Clement
Stetson, Charles Walter
Stewart, Julius LeBlanc
Stuart, Gilbert
Sully, Thomas
Suydam. James Augustus
Tarbell , Edmund Charles
Taft Lorado
Tanning Dorothea
Tarbell Edmund Charles
Thayer Abbott Handerson
Thiebaud Wayne
Tilden Douglas
Tobey Rebecca
Tom Michael
Trumbull John
Tucker-Frost Miley
Turk Elizabeth
Turner William Greene
Twachtman, John H.
Twombly Cy
Ufer, Walter
Vanderlyn, John
Vedder, Elihu
Waldo , Samuel Lovett
Weir, Julian Alden
Wendel, Theodore
Wendt, William
West, Benjamin
Whistler, James Abbot McNeill
Wiess, J.
Winter, George
Wood, Grant
Zajac Jack
Zesch Gene
Zimmerman Arnold
Zolnay George Julian
Zorach William
Zorthian Jirayr
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American Art: History and Culture, Revised First Edition , Wayne Craven
The American Art Book , Editors of Phaidon Press
Online Books
Art in America, Samuel Greene Wheeler (S.G.W.) Benjamin
William Merritt Chase: Portraits in oil, Ronald G. Pisano, D. Frederick Baker
Winslow Homer and the sea, Carl Little
African-American art, Sharon F. Patton
African American art and artists, Samella S. Lewis
Pennsylvania impressionism, Brian H. Peterson, William H. Gerdts, Sylvia Yount
American paintings and sculpture at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Margaret C. Conrads
Paintings and Sculpture in the Collection of the National Academy of Design , David Bernard Dearinger
Paintings of Maine: a new collection selected by Carl Little, Carl Little, Arnold Skolnick
Thomas Moran: artist of the mountains, Thurman Wilkins, Caroline Lawson Hinkley
Thomas Moran, the field sketches, 1856-1923, Anne Morand
Arshile Gorky: his life and work, Hayden Herrera
East Coast/West Coast and beyond: Colin Campbell Cooper, American impressionist, William H. Gerdts, Deborah Epstein Solon, Heckscher Museum of Art, Irvine Museum
Painters of Utah's Canyons and Deserts, Donna L. Poulton, Vern G. Swanson, Donald J. (FRW) Hagerty
An American impressionist: the art and life of Alson Skinner Clark, Deborah Epstein Solon
Utah art, Utah artists: 150 year survey, Vern G. Swanson, Robert S. Olpin, Springville Museum of Art, Donna L. Poulton
Painters of the Wasatch Mountains, Robert S. Olpin, Ann W. Orton, Thomas F. Rugh
Paintings of New York, 1800-1950, Bruce Weber
San Diego Paintings by R.D. Riccoboni - Collector's Portfolio
Artists in Ohio, 1787-1900: a biographical dictionary , Mary Sayre Haverstock, Jeannette Mahoney Vance, Brian L. Meggitt, Jeffrey Weidman, Oberlin College. Library
Conrad Wise Chapman: artist & soldier of the Confederacy, Ben L. Bassham
The Art of Maynard Dixon, Donald J. Hagerty
The Life of Maynard Dixon, Donald J. Hagerty
Desert dreams: the art and life of Maynard Dixon, Donald J. Hagerty
Charles Demuth, Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), Andrew Carnduff Ritchie
Letters of Charles Demuth, American artist, 1883-1935. Bruce Kellner, Demuth Foundation
Edna Hibel: An Artist's Story of Love and Compassion, Millie Clarkson
Twentieth-century American art, Erika Lee Doss
Religious Art of Andy Warhol, Jane Daggett Dillenberger
American Art Essentials, George Michael Cohen
Radical art: printmaking and the left in 1930s New York, Helen Langa
American dreams: American art to 1950 in the Williams College Museum of Art, Nancy Mowll Mathews
Encyclopedia of Arab American artists, Fayeq Oweis
Self-taught art: the culture and aesthetics of American vernacular art, Charles Russell
Shaman: the paintings of Susan Seddon Boulet
Susan Seddon Boulet: the goddess paintings, Michael Babcock
Susan Seddon Boulet: a retrospective, Michael Babcock
Sculpture of Brookgreen Gardens, Robin R. Salmon
Outdoor Sculpture in Baltimore: A Historical Guide to Public Art in the Monumental City, Cindy Kelly, Edwin H. Remsberg
A comprehensive guide to outdoor sculpture in Texas, Carol Morris Little
American Artists in Photographic Portraits: From the Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Joan Stahl
Art in Detroit public places, Dennis Alan Nawrocki, David Clements
Artist by Nationality
Art Books, USA
Art Lexicon
Art Books
Paintings, Drawings