

Church of the Cross Entrance, Hohenzollerndamm

Mother and Child
Felix Kupsch (b. 1883 or 1885 in Berlin, † 1969) was a German sculptor.
Entrance of the Berlin Church of the Cross
Memorial to the fallen of the Regional Directorate Opole, 1930
After a practical study as a sculptor Felix Kupsch worked as a teaching staff in the studios of Franz Metzner and Otto stickleback. He began studying at the Berlin Academy of Arts, where he was promoted in August Gaul and Louis Tuaillon. Later he was a professor at the Art and Crafts School in Berlin, the specialist architectural sculpture. From December 1934 to April 1941 he took part in the studio community in the convent road, in the work including Käthe Kollwitz and Herbert Tucholski.
Ullstein owl in the physics building at the Technical University of Berlin (probably from the old Ullsteinhaus in Kochstrasse)
about 1915 plastic terracotta jewelery in the post-Station (Post Office 77) in Berlin, street Luckenwalder 4-6
for 1925: plastic jewelry in black terra cotta at the Friedrichstrasse station (largely destroyed in smaller groups)
plastic jewelry for a group of buildings at Humboldt Street in Frankfurt (Oder)
for 1925: sculptures and folk singing ceremony (limestone) in the courtyard of the building group at Treptow Park 55-57 / Leibl, 19-21
circa 1925: Sculptures postilion and post flyers at the front of the Post Office 36 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Skalitzer road 84-92
circa 1928: Sculptures of St. Monica and St. Augustine on the portal of the entrance hall of the Catholic. Church of St. Augustine in Berlin, Danes Road 17/18
for 1929: Portal to the corner figures and Holy Cross Church in Berlin, Hohenzollerndamm 130a
The exterior of the church is the highlight of the Expressionist brick architecture, a part of the sculptural decoration is by Max Esser.
Employees at four sculptures in the bear estate in Berlin-Tempelhof
1930: Memorial for fallen officers in the First World War, the Opole in Opole Oberpostdirektion
1933: Memorial to the Fallen of the anti-aircraft artillery (bronze) in the front of the barracks Lankwitzer Emmich block in Berlin (destroyed, recast in 1957 at the cemetery Steglitz)
for 1936: ceramic decorations on the pulpit of the church Linde in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Homburger Straße 40-48
1935: Sculpture carrier (sandstone) at the front of the Anne Frank Elementary School in Berlin-Moabit, Paul Street
Dressler's Art Guide, edition 1930, Volume 2
Velhagen & Klasing's Monatshefte, Volume 48 / I (1933/1934), pp. 570f. / Volume 50 / I (1935/1936), S. 664, S. 688th / Band 50/II (1936), p 504, p 559 / tape 51/II (1937), p 548, p 584 / Volume 54, pp. 144, 170
Westermann's Monatshefte, Volume 158 (1935), 369
Central Journal of Engineering Administration, 57 Born in 1937, S. 707th
The image, 10/1940, pp. 178-180.
Kupsch, Felix. In: Hans Vollmer: General Dictionary of Artists of the XX. Century. Bd third EA Seemann, Leipzig 1956, S. 142
Stefanie Finally, Bernd Wurlitzer: Sculptures and Monuments in Berlin. Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-87776-034-1.
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