
Adam and Eve

Discretion - Portrait of Pauline

Anne-Louise Alix de Montmorency

Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto

The Dubufe Family in 1820
Claude Marie Paul Dubufe, was a French painter born in Paris about 1790, died at La Celle Saint-Cloud April 24, 1864 aged 75, he was buried in the 23rd Division of the cemetery of Pere-Lachaise in Paris.
Dubufe son of Claude and Marie Genevieve Marot (1793-1837), born in Paris in full revolution, the year of the abolition of the salt tax and the adoption of the tricolor, Bailly as mayor of Paris. He had a sister Josephine who married Anne Dubufe Arnoult Filiberto of Pincepré who died in 1861.1
This is a brilliant student who receives a good education and became a student consul who was only 19 years for his father to embrace a diplomatic career. Amateur painting practice it with talent, attending the studio of David, since 1804 about who saw in him a true artist and persuades said the tradition of this family, the father not to divert Marie Claude, Arts while he it was about to go to America. His father cut off his food and he had to play on the evening of violin in an orchestra to pay for his painting classes at the Atelier of Jacques-Louis David
He exhibited for the first time at the Salon in 1810. Apollo and Cyparissus which was received with indifference. While at the same salon Delacroix exposes his Barque of Dante. He went to Italy in 1811 and is to be presented to the family of Orleans He began a long and distinguished career as a portraitist in the nobility and gentry. He first married in 1818, Edmee Duménillet, which will give him March 30, 1819, an only son who became a painter like his father, Edward Louis Dubufe (1819-1883). The latter's son, William Dubufe (1853-1909), became the third artist in the family.
He is honored with two official commissions in 1824, the first for the birth of the Duke of Bordeaux and the second to commemorate the passage of the Bidassoa and in 1826 opened a studio and founded, with the Baron and Taylor Duzats, an Association to come with the artists.
In 1827 he exhibited at the Salon, two paintings titled Memories and Regrets that assoient reputation. He made a specialty of female heads of terms. In 1832 he was in London and managed to sell two large canvases (Adam and Eve and for Paradise Lost) to two brothers, named Brett associated with a producer of artistic tours, expose them for three years through the United States. These two paintings that were lost data reappeared in 1991 in a public sale at Bukowskis Sweden 3
His wife disappears at the age of 45 years in 1837.
On March 14, 1841, he married his second wife Eugenie in Paris Saint-Amand (1869). From their union were born Dubufe Paul (1842-1898), who married Nelly Bunel (marry their daughter Gabrielle Emile Decauville) Dubufe Georges, (1847-1848) and René Dubufe (1850-1876). It will make many visits to the abbey of La Lucerne, owned Bunel, where he painted beautiful landscapes in the style of Jacques Raymond Brascassat.
His son Edward Louis has made a sculpture of a medal the representative with the help of his wife (Juliette Zimmermann) was sculptor. A copy of it is preserved in Paris at the Musée d'Orsay.
(Not exhaustive)
Drawings, engravings, watercolors, lithographs
N - D - "The Supplier"
N - D - "candor"
N - D - "Repentance"
1828 - "Pain"
1860 - "Adam and Eve" prints made by American Henry Thomas Ryall from the table of the second version of 1849
1860 - "Paradise Lost" by Henry Thomas Ryall prints from the second version of the painting by Claude Marie Dubufe of 1849
N - D - "Emilie Dureuillet and his son, Duchess of Berry", Drawing, graphite Sun, H: 16cm x L: 10cm (sale France December 20, 1996)
1818 - "Portrait of Madame Claude Marie Françoise Dumenillet Dubufe born Edmee" HST; SDbg, Sun H: 77.5 cm x W: 55cm (Louvre inv No.: RF1982.1)
1819 - "Christ calming the storm" HST, SD, Sun, H × L (Basilique Saint-Amable) (Room 1819)
1820 - "The Family Dubufe" HST, SD, Sun, H: 64cm L: 82cm (National Museums) No inv: RF 1982-2. Appears on the canvas: Marie Claude, Edmee Dubufe wife Françoise, Edouard child, Ms. Dubufe mother, girl reading, Philibert de Pincepré Arnoult, Anne Josephine Pincepré bust, Marie Claude bust profile portrait. Acquired from the family Dubufe.
1820 - "Portrait of a man holding a snuffbox" HST, SD, Sun, H: 90cm x L: 74cm (France December 5, 1986)
C 1823 "Portrait of a young woman caught" HST, S, Sun H: 54cm x L: 62cm (National Gallery London, England) gift of Robert Vernon in 1847
1824 - "Birth of the Duc de Bordeaux" HST, SD, Sun, H × L:
1824 - "Passage of the Bidassoa" HST, SD, Sun, H × L
1825 c "Young woman looking down bust" label on the back (Hersent / The Modest 1825) HST, S, Sun H: 54cm x L: 46.5 cm (Legacy of Maurice Magnin Magnin in Dijon Museum No. 1938 inv: 1938 F 506)
1827 - "Adam and Eve" HST, SD, Sun, H: 307cm x L: 250cm (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes)
1827 - "Paradise Lost" HST, SD, Sun, H: 307cm x L: 250cm for Adam and Eve (Museum of Fine Arts in Nantes) acquisition of 2008
1827 - "The Souvenirs" HST, SD, Sun, H × L
1827 - "Regrets" HST, SD, Sun, H × L:
1827 c "Pain" or "La Lettre de Wagram" HST, S, Sun H: 65cm x L: 54cm (acquisition of the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen 18 April 2004) Weeping Woman receiving the Legion of Honor her husband posthumously (mention on the Board; Wagram) 2
1830 - "Portrait of Harriet Smithson (1800-1854), wife of Hector Berlioz" HST, SD, Sun, H: 40.5 cm XL: 32.5 cm (Magnin Dijon Museum Inv No.: 1938F308)
1830 - "Sleep" HST, SD, Sun, H: 59cm x L: 72cm (Monaco June 16, 1990)
1831 - "Woman in pain" HST, SD, Sun, H: 66cm x L: 55cm (Louvre Museum in Paris inv No.: 4255)
1831 - "Young Alsace" HST; SDbg, Sun H: 102cm XL: 82.5 cm (Louvre inv No.: INV4258)
1834 - "Anne-Pierre, Marquis de Montesquiou-Fezensac, General in Chief of the Army of the noon (1738-1798)" HST, SD, Sun, H: 135cm x L: 100cm command of Louis-Philippe for the Historical Museum Palace of Versailles in 1834 No. inv: MV2349, INV4256, LP670)
1836 - "Marie d'Orleans, Queen of the Belgians" HST. SD, Sun, H: 230cm x L: 145cm. Command of Louis-Philippe for the Tuileries Palace, on deposit at Compiègne (1 ex. At the Royal Palace in Brussels, Belgium)
1836 - "1st Leopold, King of the Belgians" HST, SD, Sun, H × (Musée du Château de Compiègne)
1837 - "Portrait of Mrs Francis Vaussard, born Elizabeth Adelaide Cavallier." HST, SD, Sun, H: 130cm x L: 97cm (Rollo Vaussard legacy of the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen No inv: 926.2)
1838 - "The Duchess of Valencia" HST, SD, Sun, H × L: (Petit Palais in Paris)
1840 - "Duke and Duchess of Dino" HST, SD, Sun, H: 51.5 cm XL: 43.2 cm (UK 23 Jan 2003)
1842 c "Dubufe Edward and his wife"; Juliette Zimmermann, HST, S. Sun, H × L: (Musée du Château de Compiègne) No Inv: C.65025
1844 - "Bonaparte artillery officer a card reading" HST; Oval Sun, H: 60cm (France March 23, 2000)
C 1845 "Portrait of Cullerier-Neveu" Surgeon, HST, SD, Sun, H: 65.5 cm x W: 55cm (table to be copied by Cullerier Augustine, daughter of the surgeon, and a copy of which is at the Museum of Angers)
1846 - "Dubufe Edward and his wife" woman sculptor. HST; SDbd, Sun H: 130.5 cm x W: 98.4 cm (legacy of Pierre Constant at the Musée du Château de Compiègne) (Salon of 1846 and the exhibition at the Old-time Compiègne in 1953.
1847 c "Adam and Eve" HST, SD, Sun, H × L: (a replica of the first version, intended for exhibition in New York in 1849
1847 c "Paradise Lost" HST, S, Sun H: L × (replica of the first version and for an exhibition in New York in 1849
C 1850 "Portrait of the Marschallin, Duchess of Feltre" HST, S, Sun H: 131cm x L: 98cm (BA Nantes Museum inv No.: 947)
C 1850 "Young Greek out of the bath" HST, S, Sun H: 204cm x W: 125.5 cm ((Musée du Château de Compiègne Inv No.: C.65.026)
1855 - "length portrait of Marie-Louise d'Orléans Queen of the Belgians" HST, S, Sun H: 225cm XL: 147cm (Musée du Château de Compiègne inv No.: C38447)
C 1857 "Portrait of Madame Rampal, Countess of Grigneusville" HST, sbd, Sun H: 1239.5 cm XL: 97cm (Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen No inv: 879.1) acquired in 1879 the Earl of Messey
1859 - "Elegant sitting at the range" HST, SD, Sun, H: 125cm x L: 92cm (France 27 Jan 1991)
N - D - "Portrait of Marie-Claude Morin" HST, sbd, Sun H: 92cm L: nc (Museum of Fine Arts in Nantes inv No.: 3809.950-a-1p)
N - D - "Portrait of a Lady in velvet cloak" HST, S, Sun H: 71cm x L: 62cm (Musée Magnin in Dijon No inv: 1938F309)
N - D - "
N - D - "Portrait of Charles Morin" HST, S, Sun H: 55cm x L: 45.5 cm (Musée des Beaux-Arts in Nantes No inv: 950.2.1.P, 3810)
Prize medal
1819 - Salon of French artists, (Jesus calming a storm)
1827 - Salon of French artists (Adam and Eve) and during (Paradise Lost)
1829 - Royal Academy, (Adam and Eve) and during (Paradise Lost)
1831 - Living, (young Alsatian)
1837 - Living, (Marie d'Orleans, Queen of Belgium)
1846 - Living, (Dubufe Edward and his wife)
Galleries, exhibitions
1832 - May
1835 - to April webs (Adam and Eve and Paradise Lost) were exhibited in the U.S. cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans (twice) and Charleston.
1849 - Exhibition in New York (Adam and Eve and Paradise Lost) copy of the first version produced for this exhibition.
1889 - World Exposition centennial of the French art, catalog No.: 312 (Portrait of Mrs. Dubufe)
1909 - Palace in the Parc de Bagatelle retrospective portraits of women in the three republics organized by the National Society of Fine Arts Catalog No.: 64 (Portrait of Mrs. Dubufe)
1913 - "David and his students' Palace of Fine Arts Catalog No. 92 (portrait of Mrs. Dubufe)
1953 - "The Time of crinolines' in Compiègne (Edward and his wife Dubufe No. 94 in Catalogue of the Exhibition)
1988 - Hall of the ninth district of Paris exhibition on Marie Claude Dubufe, his son and his grand-son, all three painters
1988 - Hall of the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris exhibition on Marie Claude Dubufe, his son Edward and his grand-son William all three painters.
2007 - Gallery & Tabalardon Gautier in Paris (Adam and Eve) and during (Paradise Lost) from Milton's Paradise Lost
Museums, monuments
National Gallery in London, England (Portrait of a young woman caught)
Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen, Seine-Maritime (La Lettre de Wagram) - (Portrait of Mrs Rampal, Countess of Grigneuseville)
Museum of Fine Arts in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique (Adam and Eve) - (Paradise Lost) - (Portrait of Claude Marie Morin) - (Portrait of Duchess of Feltre and Marschallin) - (Portrait of Carles Morin)
Amable Church Riom, Puy de Dome, (Jesus calming a storm)
Musée du Château de Compiègne in the Oise (young Greek woman out of the bath) - (Dubufe Edward and his wife) - (Portrait of Louise Marie d'Orleans Queen of the Belgians) - (first King of the Belgians Leopold)
Musée Magnin in Dijon, Cote-d'Or, (Portrait of Harriet Smithson, the wife of Hector Berlioz) - (Portrait of a Lady in velvet coat) - (Young woman looking down in bust)
Louvre Museum in Paris (Woman in pain) - (Madame M; C. Dubufe born Françoise Dumenillet Edmee)
Petit Palais in Paris (The Duchess of Valençay)
Royal Palace in Brussels, Belgium (Marie d'Orleans, Queen of Belgium)
Palace of Versailles, National Museum and Trianon (Anne-Pierre, Marquis de Montesquiou-Fezensac, commanding general of the army of the South (1739-1798))
Museum of Romantic Life, Hotel Scheffer-Renan, Paris: Painting on Porcelain Manufactory Darte, according to his Portrait of Harriet Smithson (Musée Magnin, Dijon)
Emmanuel Breon, Claude Marie, Edward and William Dubufe, a century portraits of Parisian elegance, ed. Artistic Delegation to the action of the City of Paris, 1988 (ISBN 2-905118-15-6).
Luc Benoist, Catalogue of the Museum of Fine Arts in Nantes, Nantes Museum BA, 1953, No. 947, p. 91.
Emmanuel Breon, La Revue du Louvre No. 2, 1984 117-127. Cat Nouv acqu (1980-1982) 1983 Catalogue summary illustrated paintings from the Louvre and the Orsay Museum, French School III, Paris, 1986 235.
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